Peer review Process
The reviewing process involves the following steps:
- Receiving the paper in the required format and using the imposed technical instructions for authors. The full paper manuscript will be submitted electronically in Word 2003 format to: email address which will inform the authors that work email arrived in good condition. The papers will be returned to the authors for correction if they don't follow the presented instructions. The journal redaction board reserves the right not to publish the non-corresponding materials.
- Within maximum 15 days the editors will nominate the reviewers and address the paper manuscript to them; peer reviewing will be accorded to each paper by at least two referees; in cases of uncertainty, the editorial board will discuss the paper and take the final decision upon publication. On average, reviewing time varies from 15 to 30 days.
- The referees will use a specific reviewing template; the paper will receive a score and may be recommended for:
0, 1 | Reject - poor paper (comments from reviewers are obligatory) |
2 | Weak Reject - can be published only if major revisions and improvements are made (comments should included); send the paper to the authors, with comments; |
3 | Weak Accept - publish as such or send for improvements and revision (comments should included); |
4 | Accept – publish as a good paper; |
5 | Accept – publish as an excellent paper; recommendation for best Scientific Bulletin paper |
If necessary, the required changes will be transmitted to authors; the changes may be accepted totally or partially by the author(s); in the latter case, the referees' conditions may be challenged by the author(s) and the paper submitted for a second reviewing.
The date of publishing acceptance will be communicated to author(s) in email. The final print-ready format as requested by the editors has to be transmitted by authors within 30 days from acceptance. The special cases have to be adjusted according to the editors' demands.
The whole responsibility for the papers contents regarding experimental results and their interpretation, accuracy computation as well as language incumbent to the authors only.
To prevent cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the authors of manuscripts are obliged to disclose the input of each author to the text (specifying their affiliations and contributions, i.e. information on who the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used during the preparation of the text is). It is forbidden to submit articles where a significant contribution was made by an author but the author's identity is not disclosed. The Editors warn that all detected cases of scientific misconduct will be exposed.
The authors must respect the Copyright laws.